
Adam Lekwa

Adam Lekwa


Dr. Adam Lekwa is an Assistant Research Professor in the Graduate School for Applied and Professional Psychology (GSAPP) at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. He completed his graduate training in school psychology at the University of Minnesota, where he received a Ph.D. in 2012. Prior to joining Rutgers Dr. Lekwa held positions as a School Psychologist and as an Instructional Services Coordinator for two special education cooperatives in Minnesota. His responsibilities ranged from evaluation and consultation for individual students to provision of professional development sessions on assessment and intervention. He also engaged in consultation with teams of administrators on district level achievement data, and implementation of multi-tiered systems of service delivery. At GSAPP, Dr. Lekwa works on multiple research projects focused on the enhancement of class-wide, or “Tier 1” instructional and behavior management practices. He also supports graduate training through involvement in student dissertation committees, teaching, guest lecturing, and other student mentoring or assistance.

Carrie Lobman

Carrie Lobman

School / Department: Graduate School of Education

Dr. Lobman is an educational researcher, trainer, and teacher educator whose research explores the value of improvisation and play for learning and development. She is a nationally recognized advocate for play and creativity for the education of people of all ages.

Rachel Lyons

Rachel Lyons

School / Department: School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Rachel Lyon is the Chair, Dept. of 4-H Youth Development and Associate Director/Program Leader Cooperative Extension. 4‑H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. The New Jersey 4‑H Youth Development Program offers everyone in grades K–13, the opportunity to explore countless opportunities in science, arts, foods, outdoor adventure, and more. 4‑H is where there's fun in learning and learning is fun! Learn more about the 4-H program.

Carolyn Maher

Carolyn A. Maher

School / Department: Graduate School of Education

Dr. Maher is a Distinguished Professor, Director, Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning and HEditor, The Journal of Mathematical Behavior.

Her early years of teaching as a secondary and college mathematics teacher provided her with a strong foundation for gaining insights into student learning mathematics and the conditions that are required for students’ to build durable understanding of mathematical ideas and ways of reasoning. From this experience she learned that, under certain conditions, students could build powerful mathematical ideas, enjoy doing mathematics, and engage in productive arguments that lead to constructing “proof like” justifications for their solutions. Her teaching, research and service are intertwined. For both graduate courses in mathematics education and related work with schools as service to the community. Video data from over 25 years of research has produced a unique collection of videos of students doing mathematics that are accessed through the Video Mosaic Collaborative (VMC: These videos are used for ongoing research on student learning mathematics and for study in teacher education.

Ruqqayya Maudoodi

Ruqqayya Maudoodi


Ruqqayya Maudoodi is the Director of Arts Online at the Mason Gross School of the Arts. She is an instructional technologist, educator, and researcher specializing in designing curriculum for online and hybrid delivery. Her current research interests include digital media for teaching and learning, massive open online courses, and the infrastructure and course development of hybrid and online degree programs.

Janice Mcdonnell

Janice Mcdonnell

School / Department: School of Environmental and Biological Sciences

Janice is currently serving as the Science Engineering & Technology Agent for the department of 4-H Youth Development at Rutgers University where she supports county 4-H Agents in promoting STEM in their communities. She hosts a variety of on-campus programs designed to engage young people in Rutgers University science and engineering programs. In addition, Janice helps university faculty to develop innovative and effective broader impact statements in accordance with NSF’s Criterion II. Scientists and Engineers are engaged in a wide variety of education and outreach initiatives designed to educate the public about STEM disciplines. Janice works with scientists to translate their research into educational products that can be used by K-16 students, teachers and the general public. Finally, Janice is interested in program evaluation and works with a range of external collaborators to conduct a range of program assessments.

Pablo Mejia-Ramos

Pablo Mejia-Ramos

School / Department: Graduate School of Education

Dr. Pablo Mejia-Ramos is an Associate Professor of Mathematics Education at Rutgers University, where he is jointly appointed in the Department of Learning and Teaching within the Graduate School of Education and the Department of Mathematics within the School of Arts and Sciences. He is mainly interested in mathematical argumentation and proof, particularly the ways in which university students and research-active mathematicians construct, read, and present arguments and proofs in mathematics.

Thu Nguyen

Thu D. Nguyen

School / Department: School of Arts & Sciences

Dr. Nguyen's research focuses on building efficient, scalable, and dependable computer systems. He is also engaged in research on improving and scaling CS education. See his research lab's Web sitefor more information on his group's research.

Arthur Powell

Arthur B. Powell


Arthur B. Powell is a full Professor at Department of Urban Education at Rutgers Newark. Dr. Powell's research interests focus on writing and mathematics learning; ethnomathematics; development of mathematical ideas, reasoning, and heuristics; teacher professional development in the mathematics for teaching; and collaborative problem solving in mathematics with technology. He also directs the Research Group on Communication, Technology, and Mathematics Learning and its instructional project, eMath.

Ronald Ransome

Ronald Ransome

School / Department: School of Arts & Sciences

Ronald Ransome is the Dean of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the School of Arts & Sciences. He is an experimental nuclear physicist with a research emphasis on studies of the internal structure of the nucleon using neutrinos and electrons as probes. Dean Ransome participates in the strategic planning and decision-making process of the School of Arts and Sciences providing recommendations and assistance to the Executive Dean.